Responding to child labor trafficking

What can we do to address human trafficking – particularly child labor trafficking?

The participants in the Central New York Presbytery Partnership Group seminar at the Presbyterian Ministry at the United Nations identified the following ideas to use in their congregations, schools, and communities:

  • Provide a Minute for Mission during worship on issues related to child labor trafficking
  • Provide a skit or a song or a rap on issues related to child labor trafficking during a worship service or at another time
  • Focus worship on Youth Sunday on the topic of child labor trafficking
  • Provide regular announcements in the bulletin – share Web sites where people can learn more and act
  • Encourage the Session to consider addressing the issue of child labor trafficking
  • Create a group at school to share information
  • Pray – this comes here not because it is last but because it sustains and supports all our other efforts – we care for issues such as child labor trafficking because Jesus calls us to love one another and to seek justice

Watch for reports on how the seminar participants respond.

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