2011 Advent Devotion- Wednesday, December 7

Wednesday, December 7                                 
Revelation 1:17-2:7

It’ s Advent. Why does the Lord tell us not to be afraid? What could we possibly fear?

Lent is a time for us to slow down. We may give up meat on Fridays, sacrifice our favorite things, study and pray. During Advent, though, things speed up with less penitential activities—decorating, singing carols, parties, and searching for the perfect gifts. Things are a lot more upbeat, aren’t they?

Yet, as we read today’s scripture we are brought up short. Like the star of Bethlehem, God’s light shines brightly on places we’d rather not see. We drop at the feet of our Lord, Jesus Christ who says to us, “Do not be afraid.” But, we know that there is much in this world to fear and we know that many in this world have even more to fear than we do. The world is not as it should be. Advent reminds us that we cannot ignore the needs of those God loves. We must not lose energy for the work that God calls us to—proclaiming God’s overwhelming love for the world and witnessing to this love through the mission and ministry of the church. Every congregation and the whole church are called to faithfulness as we await him who was and is and is to come.

God, lift up your countenance upon us. Shine a light upon the places we’d rather not see. Give your church strength to hear what the Spirit is saying and to respond to your call. Bring us peace, O Lord. Amen.

Elder Valerie Kiriishi Small, manager, General Assembly nominations, PC(USA)
Louisville, Kentucky


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