Take opposition to sex slavery and trafficking on the road

TassaTagsLooking for a stocking stuffer?

Consider a TassaTag.

TassaTags are 4″x6″ bright, hand-woven cotton luggage tags. TassaTags serve a much larger purpose than simply helping you spot your luggage.

Each purchase of a TassaTag supports ECPAT-USA (End Child Prostitution and Trafficking), a non-profit children’s rights organization whose mission is to protect children in the US and abroad from commercial sexual exploitation. ECPAT-USA is a partner of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.).

TassaTags are fair trade products. Women at The Regina Center in Nongkhai, Thailand make the tags. This project enables women to stay in their villages and keep their children in school—two major strategies in reducing sex trafficking.

TassaTags help to raise awareness of the commercial sexual exploitation of children and they send the message that the sexual exploitation of children is not acceptable.

By buying and using a TassaTag you become a human rights worker on behalf of children!

Order TassaTags now for everyone on your Christmas list who uses a suitcase.



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