Cities Are Not Targets


Woman signs the petition.

D.J. Tephabock of the Presbytery of West Virginia signs the Cities Are Not Targets petition during a tour of the United Nations.

The United Nations has worked to eliminate nuclear weapons since it came into existence. One of the exhibits on the tour of the UN building focuses on this aspect of the UN’s work. The exhibit includes an opportunity to sign the Cities Are Not Targets petition. This petition, sponsored by Mayors for Peace, calls for the total abolition of nuclear weapons by 2020. Not able to come to New York? Sign the petition online.

Since 1946, when the General Assembly of the PCUSA supported measures “. . . looking toward drastic cuts in national armaments through international agreement,” General Assemblies of the Presbyterian Church, acting out of faith in Jesus Christ the Prince of Peace, have understood that working for God’s intended order and life abundant involves seeking international disarmament and arms control measures. In 1955, the General Assembly of the PCUSA first called for the abolition of nuclear weapons: “We believe that lasting peace requires the elimination and prohibition of all weapons of mass destruction.”

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