Big Tent ends, the work continues

The Big Tent is now over.  As I sit in the airport and think back on my time with roughly 1,600 Presbyterians, I can’t help but think how strong and vibrant our faith community is.  


I will fly back to New York City to continue our ministry at the Presbyterian Ministry at the United Nations.  We will continue our ministry together, knowing that there are millions of Presbyterians around this country and partners around our world praying for our work. 


This next week will bring the creation of a new state in the world, South Sudan.  The Big Tent gave our office the opportunity to meet the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)’s newest mission co-worker who is scheduled to depart soon for a new position in a new country.


May God bless all of the ministries of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) around the world.

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