In response to Jesus’ concern for children, Presbyterians have Trick-or-Treated to raise funds to support UNICEF and its work for children around the world. I’ve encouraged Presbyterians to do so – even going so far as playing UNICEF Box Man.
Now we have a chance to Trick-or-Treat Congress when we ask the U.S. Congress to continue its funding of UNICEF.
Every fiscal year, the U.S. Congress must pass appropriations to fund U.S. Government programs and agencies, including contributions to UNICEF. The U.S. Government’s annual contribution to UNICEF is a part of America’s global investment in children. This funding enables UNICEF to partner with the United States to save and improve children’s lives around the world.
Currently, Congress and the Administration are working to reach an agreement on overall appropriations for Fiscal Year 2012, which begins on October 1, 2011. While efforts are being made to cut Government spending, money still will be provided for global development programs. We believe that the money that is appropriated should place meeting the needs of children at the forefront.
UNICEF reminds us that children in need know no politics. UNICEF invites us to remind our legislators that funding for UNICEF saves children’s lives. Please take a moment to visit the Advocacy Alert, which allows you to simply send emails to your Senators and Representatives. Make sure to ask your constituents, colleagues and members to do so, as well!
The photo is by Tony Oltmann of the Presbyterian Church. It shows Kate Weber of UNICEF recognizing the Presbyterian Church and the family of Rev. Clyde Allison for their role in starting Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF. I am playing the box beside Kate.