Send an email to the five Permanent Members of the UN Security Council asking their countries to take the lead in shifting spending priorities from military to development.
The Religions for Peace Shared Security Campaign suggests this action for the Global Day of Action on Military Spending:
The Global Day of Action on Military Spending is a world-wide effort by individuals and organizations to bring awareness to the excessive amount of funds being spent on military and defense budgets by many nations of the world. In 2010, the world’s governments collectively spent USD$1.6 trillion on their military budgets. By contrast, around one billion people live on less than USD$1.25 a day.
You can play a role in shifting spending priorities toward development by sending a message to the five Permanent Members of the United Nations Security Council (United States of America, the French Republic, Russian Federation, People’s Republic of China and the United Kingdom). As Permanent Members of the United Nations Security Council, these countries have a unique opportunity and a special responsibility for the maintenance of international peace and security. We urge you to share with them this urgent message.