Learning Methodologies – Post Trauma 3

Ecumenical Women presented a parallel event, Learning Methodologies- Post Trauma on Wednesday, February 23, 2011 at the 55th Session of the Commission on the Status of Women.

This panel discussion will include speakers whose bodies of work focus on post-trauma healing, transformation, and reconciliation. The panelists included:

The Rev. Dr. Surekha Nelavala, an ordained Lutheran minister from India, is committed to the cause of bringing scholarship and people together in developing praxis-oriented liberating hermeneutics of the Bible.

Milcah Lalam, a peace building development specialist with RECONCILE in Sudan with expertise in trauma healing, drama as therapy and story-telling, works with women, children, youth, victims of rape and abuse, displaced persons, development and human rights workers in post-war contexts. 

Cecilia Castillo, Continental Coordinator of the Women and Gender Justice Pastoral of the Latin American Council of Churches, serves as Technical Coordinator of the Regional Shelter House of the Grande ABC, São Paulo, Brazil, which shelters women victims of domestic and inter-family violence.

The Rev. Heidi Neumark, pastor at Trinity Lutheran Church of Manhattan, is a founding member of South Bronx Churches, an ecumenical community organizing group that trained local leaders, built hundreds of low-cost homes, and established a top-ranked public high school.

Video by Geronimo Desumala

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