We gathered

IMG_1139 From churches and countries around the world, we gathered at the Church Center for the United Nations. Followers of Jesus Christ, seekers of justice, supporters of human rights for women, men, and all people, we gathered.

To dance, to worship, to pray, we gathered.

To listen, to reflect, to discuss, we gathered.

To learn, to share, to plan, we gathered.

Ecumenical Women held an orientation for women and men of faith who will be attending the Commission on the Status of Women.

Learn more from Ecumenical Women's Web site or Presbyterian Women's blog. Follow the event on Twitter at #csw. See pictures of the orientation from Ecumenical Women and the Presbyterian Ministry at the United Nations

The Commission on the Status of Women meets from February 22 through March 4.

Presbyterians will lead worship at the Church Center for the United Nations on February 24.

The photo of the closing worship service at the orientation is by Mark Koenig.

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