Egypt: Ban calls on leaders to take ‘bold’ steps to address protesters’ concerns

From the United Nations News Centre:

31 January 2011 – Secretary-General
Ban Ki-moon is calling on Egypt’s leaders to take some “bold measures”
to address the concerns of the scores of thousands of people who have
been demonstrating for change, stressing at the same time that the
protests must be peaceful.

“I have been repeatedly saying that the leaders of any country,
including Egypt, should first of all listen attentively, most sincerely,
to the voices of people,” he told
a news conference yesterday in Addis Ababa, where he is attending a
summit meeting of the African Union (AU). “And they have a broad
responsibility, first of all, to provide decent jobs and good
opportunities to maintain a decent living.

Read the whole story at:

Egypt: Ban calls on leaders to take ‘bold’ steps to address protesters’ concerns.

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