Advent Devotion – December 18, 2010

2010 Advent Devotion for web I love the imagery this Scripture contains. As I read this passage and reflected on the season and Guatemala, one particular phrase struck me: “a little child shall lead them.” For many in the world, it is impossible to imagine children as leaders. For example, children in Guatemala are often just numbers. They are sent to work at an early age—sometimes as young as three or four—selling sweets, shining shoes, or working in the fields. Girls start to care for younger siblings when they are strong enough to carry a baby on their backs. Most are not encouraged to dream about what they might be when they grow up, and their gifts and talents are not cherished or nurtured in the family or church setting. They don’t live a life of innocence, thinking about what they want for Christmas. How different would their world be if adults imagined a child leading?

Organizations and institutions are pushing for change in Guatemala. Though rights of the child are now policy, implementation remains slow, and children continue to be manipulated, exploited, and abused. So, my Christmas wish is that we may be aware of the children among us; that we may understand and value the gifts they bring; and that we may imagine a world where a child shall lead us.

God, may you give us the courage to imagine the world differently, to envision children as leaders. May we also remember the children this season who are forgotten. May your comforting presence be with them. Amen.

Amanda Craft, PC (USA) mission co-worker, Guatemala

Order Proclaiming the Good News of God's Peace.

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