Advent Devotion – December 14, 2010

Scripture – 2 Peter 1:12–21

2010 Advent Devotion for web The Advent season is a busy time. We often become so distracted by the bright lights, gifts, and festivities that we don’t stop to think about the real reason for the occasion—the birth of the Savior who died so that we might live.

Much like the Advent season, the other seasons of our lives have become overwhelmed by distractions, and we seldom take the time to speak to God, let alone listen for a word from God. Seeking a quick fix to life’s problems, we decide that we know best and take matters into our own hands. As a result, in vain we fight what seem like endless battles, even though the mighty God we serve will protect and comfort us in our time of need. And by trusting him, he is able to work miracles in our lives.

In this season, and throughout the year, we must remember to take the time to nurture our relationship with God by asking for faith to remain calm in the midst of a storm, strength to pray through the pain, and patience to wait for a word from him.

Heavenly Father, from whom cometh our help, give us the strength to remain still, that we might hear a word from you. Amen.

Dayna Oliver, administrative assistant and conference registrar, Presbyterian Peacemaking Program, Compassion, Peace and Justice, General Assembly Mission Council, PC(USA), Louisville, Kentucky

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