Scripture – Luke 22:1–13
Why is one of the last chapters of Luke one of the first readings for Advent? Why is a story about preparations for the Last Supper at the beginning of our expectation for Christ’s birth?
The reading begins with a description of how betrayal, deception, greed, and fear seek to kill Jesus. And in the midst of these annihilating powers and plots, the story bursts open. It is time for the feast of freedom, the Passover, and Jesus sends Peter and John to make preparations. With the limitations pressing in on him, Jesus calls for a celebration of freedom from slavery.
Consider the limitations pressing in on you at this time. What is it like to hear Jesus call you to get ready for a feast of freedom?
Is this moment toward the end of Jesus’ life any different from the beginning? Imagine God, infinite and eternal, accepting limitations, taking on flesh, taking on a few cells that would bloom into birth and grow through childhood to this moment of announcing that limitations ultimately cause the freedom and love of God to burst open further.
Living God, we are surrounded on all sides, too. Forces of fear press in on us. We are constantly reminded of our limitations. Thank you for opening our hearts to hear your encouragement to prepare the feast of freedom, not in spite of our limitations, but because of our limitations, which we offer to your compassion. Amen.
The Rev. Ashley Seaman, pastor,
North Presbyterian Church, Denver, Colorado
Order Proclaiming the Good News of God's Peace.