Advent Devotion – December 8, 2010

Scripture – Isaiah 6:1–13

2010 Advent Devotions Finding himself unemployed, Suriya spent three days in prayer, asking for God’s direction. Then, like Isaiah, he received a vision he didn’t expect and a mission for which he felt inadequate. Yet, like Isaiah, he ultimately said, “Here I am Lord, send me.”

Suriya immigrated to Canada from Sri Lanka when he was seventeen. Now married with three children and a Christian, he saw his unemployment as a call to pray for guidance. The vision he received was to return to Sri Lanka on a mission of justice.

The peoples of Sri Lanka experienced violence for more than four decades, including nearly thirty years of civil war between the Sinhalese army and the Tamil LTTE. In 2009 the Sinhalese army cornered the LTTE into an area that was buffered by hundreds of thousands of civilians. After defeating the LTTE, the government buried thousands in mass graves and arrested the rest, placing them in refugee camps without adequate shelter, medical care, and other basic needs.

Suriya’s vision was to help these endangered refugees and make their plight known to all.
Suriya did not know what might happen to him, but he trusted his clear vision. He volunteered with local religious groups that visited refugee camps and provided clothing, medical supplies, and food. A Dutch relief agency hired him as a field coordinator, and now he evaluates and coordinates relief efforts.

Peacemakers pray for a clear vision such as Isaiah and Suriya received. May we too say, “Here I am Lord, send me.”

God of visions, bestow on us clear vision as you did on Isaiah and Suriya. Provide courage so that we too may utter, “Here I am Lord, send me.”Give us strength to act on our words. Amen.

Dilu Nicholas, associate for marketing and events,
Presbyterian Publishing Corporation, Louisville, Kentucky

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