Presbyterian Ministry at the United Nations
If you happen to be in Brooklyn this weekend and are looking for a way to help support UNICEF's work to care for children around the world. Here's an opportunity:
Brooklyn for Peace, which sponsors the Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF at the Park Slope Halloween Parade, needs some extra helpers at one or two events.
Saturday, Oct. 30th at the farmers' market at Grand Army Plaza. Two hour shifts from morning to early afternoon. We hand out collection boxes to children and families along with a flyer telling them where the drop off stations will be along the 7th Ave. parade route. We also collect donations for UNICEF and distribute Brooklyn for Peace events fliers.
Sunday., Oct 31st, Halloween, 7pm to 9 pm. There are 5 collecting stations at various locations along the parade route. The task here is to hand out empty collection boxes and to collect full ones as well as to receive donations.
Sign up online to help with one or both of these events.
What makes this event special is the involvement of Monroe Allison, son of the Rev. Clyde and Mary Emma Allison – the Presbyterians who helped start the Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF initiative.
If you aren't in Brooklyn or your time is already booked, you can still give to Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF.