A prayer for the International Day of Peace

IDP Loving God, we, your children, long for the day when your shalom is the dominant culture.  We long for the day
when we would turn swords into plowshares;
when our governments would grow more food than build weapons;
 when we build more schools than prisons.

Patient God, we, your children, long for the day when your shalom is the dominant culture. We long for the day
when people worship you freely without threat of terror and harm upon 
ourselves, our houses of worship, or our sacred text;
    when we respect each other’s humanity;
    when we treat each other with equality and justice.

Liberating God, we, your children, long for the day when your shalom is the dominant culture. We long for the day
    when those unjustly detained are set free;
    when torture ends;
    when we realize Fannie Lou Hamer’s words: “No one is free until everyone is free.”

Merciful God, we, your children, who long for the day when your shalom is the dominant culture. We confess
    that we have not always been willing participants of your mandate for peace;
    that we have often perpetuated injustice and caused violence.

Give us the strength to work for peace and live in peace. 

Redeeming God, we, your children, long for the day when your shalom is the dominant culture.  Bless our prayers and acts towards peace that we may testify to your loving your grace.  Make us your peacemakers with every small and large act toward your justice.

With you, O God, we shall work together for the day of shalom for which we long!

Hallelujah! Amen.

•    The Rev. Bridgett Green

Find additional worship resources for the International Day of Peace from the Presbyterian Peacemaking Program as well as ideas for ways to celebrate this day.

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