Pray for peace talks for Israel, Palestine

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The litany is from the Cathedral of St. George the Martyr in Jerusalem. It is intended to support those engaged in peace talks for Israel and Palestine.

The Rev'd Canon Robert D. Edmunds, Chaplain to the Anglican Bishop in Jerusalem and Canon Pastor for the Cathedral of St. George, notes:

We all pray for peace all the time.  Many of us are of the belief that it will take an "act of God" to create the environment in which a genuine and durable peace agreement might be achieved.  Perhaps this is a time for us to offer God our humble prayers together to assist the Holy Spirit in this effort.
We will be using the attached prayers here at St. George's these next days and I offer them to you to use, adapt, change, improve, re-structure or re-design in any way you would find helpful for your particular circumstance.

Doug Dicks, the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)'s regional liaison for Israel, Jordon, and Palestine, shared the prayer.

Download Litany for the Peace Talks

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