Planning team arrives

IMG_2430 The planning team for the 2010 Peacemaking Seminar (Margaret Aymer, David Gambrell, Nancy Eng MacNeill, Emily McGinley, Dayna Oliver, Rich Pak, and Teresa Chavez Sauceda) arrived at Ghost Ranch Abiquiu this evening. Most of the team members flew to Albquerque today.

The day involved purchasing final supplies (or nearly final supplies), eating dinner at Gabriel's, scoping out the worship space, and determining how to use the supplies (and what else may be needed). A marvelous thunderstorm (at least for those who did not have to be out in it) rolled in providing some incredible views.

Bags were packed for the leaders who will arrive tomorrow. Participants make it to the ranch on Wednesday.

IMG_2488 As folks are able, there will be tweeting about the seminar. Check out #pps10; tweeters will include breyeschow, wmkoenig, and mayog. Will note if others are tweeting.

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