Ask Obama administration to investigage allegations of CIA torture experiments

From the National Religious Campaign Against Torture:

The saga continues for the Physicians for Human Rights (PHR) report that provided evidence of unethical and illegal medical experiments by the CIA on U.S.-held detainees. The Office of Human Research Protections (OHRP) declined to investigate the issue, and instead referred it to the CIA. Thus the agency that may have violated the laws and standards protecting individuals from unethical medical research was asked to do the investigation. Your efforts are needed now to ensure that these allegations are appropriately investigated.

Please email the President and the Attorney General to ask for an investigation into the allegations of torture experiments performed by CIA physicians on detainees. The broader religious community, with NRCAT's leadership, is also continuing to request a credible government investigation into the report.

Since OHRP will not investigate and the CIA is unlikely to do so alone, NRCAT is asking the White House and the Department of Justice to investigate the allegations contained in the PHR report. Please send an email today asking for an investigation.

The General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) has addressed stopping torture and called for an investigation into the use of torture by the U.S.

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