Hope for peace shared

From the Presbyterian News Service:

A pre-assembly conference Friday on peace in the Middle East helped set the stage for the 219th General Assembly (2010) of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.).

“Shalom, Salaam, and Peace: One Hope, Two Peoples, Three Faith Traditions” brought together perspectives on the Middle East from diverse faiths practicing in context.

“We gather as a people of deep faith,” said the Rev. Dr. Ronald L. Shive, chairperson of the Middle East Study Committee (MESC). “We gather as a people who have a persistent hope for a just peace in the Middle East.”

Read the full article.

Avraham and Mitr Speakers included Avraham Burg, who formerly served as a member and speaker of the Knesset, as an Israeli Cabinet minister and as chairperson of Jewish Agency for Israel and the Rev. Mitri Raheb, pastor of Evangelical Lutheran Christmas Church in Bethlehem, West Bank, and founder and president of the Diyar Consortium and International Center of Bethlehem. Palestinian Muslim Dr. Allam Jarrar, was scheduled to attend, but it was reported that he did not receive a visa interview at the United States consulate in Jerusalem.

The 219th General Assembly 2010 approved an amended version of the report, "Breaking down the Walls," written by the Middle East Study Committee. The Middle East Peacemaking Issues Committee worked on the report. Check out an FAQ on the action.

The photo of Mitri and Avraham is by Douglas Dicks, PC(USA) regional liaison for Jordan, Israel, and the Palestinian Territories.

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