Peace Among the Peoples

Peace Among the Peoples:
Overcoming the Spirit, Logic and Practice of Violence
July 28-31, 2010

Associated Mennonite Biblical Seminary
3003 Benham Ave.
Elkhart, Indiana 46517

Associated Mennonite Biblical Seminary will host an ecumenical peace conference July 28-31, 2010, focusing on contemporary North American responses to war. Christian peacemakers of all traditions and disciplines are invited to attend this event.

Peace Among the Peoples is a preparatory meeting for the World Council of Churches’ 2011 International Ecumenical Peace Convocation. This gathering will seek to reinvigorate conversation on war and peace by building on the recent work of the U.S. Decade to Overcome Violence Committee and peace dialogues facilitated by the National Council of Churches of Christ in the USA in the 1990s under the title “The Apostolic Character of the Church’s Peace Witness.” In large and small group settings, participants will dream, discern and strategize next steps for creating a more unified peace witness in North America as well as encouraging our churches to become peace churches.

The event will include presentations from leading thinkers, such as Stanley Hauerwas, Rita Nakashima Brock and Brian McLaren. Discussions on the contemporary issues of just policing, responsibility to protect, nuclear weapons, and chaplaincy will include dynamic exchanges between presenters and listeners. There will also be deliberative working sessions on current ecumenical efforts, like the Truth Commission on Conscience in War, the status of conciliar peace dialogue, and the formation of a North American Ecumenical Peace Center. Morning prayer and evening confessional worship will frame the beginning and the ending of each day. Preachers include Matthew Johnson, Mary Jo Leddy and Leonid Kishkovsky.

Find the event schedule and detailed program information,

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