The Wounds of War: The Church as a Healing Community

From Presbyterians for Disability Concerns
Disability Access/Inclusion Sunday
June 27, 2010

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Is the church ready? Are we prepared to be a community of healing for those who are living now, and will be living for many years, with the wounds of war? Every day the news media reports on the physical and emotional costs of war. One in five soldiers returning from Iraq or Afghanistan lives with major depression or post-traumatic stress disorder. Suicide rates and domestic violence have soared. Is the church prepared?

Members of the PDC Leadership Team believe that the physical, emotional and spiritual wounds are intertwined. We believe that the church can and must be a community of healing. This is the challenge we are issuing to the church in our 2010 Inclusion Sunday resources.

Use the materials on June 27 or on other appropriate days in the life of your congregation.

Presbyterians for Disability Concerns is one of the networks of the Presbyterian Health, Education and Welfare Association.

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