Peacemaking seminar leader at work

The Rev. Dr. Margaret Aymer, one of the plenary speakers at the 2010 Peacemaking Seminar, is featured in "Staying at the table," a recent story from the Presbyterian News Service.

The story tells of a conversation among "a small group of pastors, elders, and students gathered recently at Atlanta’s Interdenominational Theological Center to explore the final report to the 219th General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) from the Special Committee to Study Issues of Civil Union and Christian Marriage."

That conversation is an example of peacemaking – coming together to talk about tough issues and doing so graciously, respectfully, lovingly. Margaret led the conversation. She had served on the Special Committee.

The Special Committee's work is described in some detail in the story. The members of the committee were diverse and they held (and hold) very different views on ordination and marriage for gay and lesbian persons. The challenge was to listen to each other, to speak truth to one another, to be attentive to the movement of the Holy Spirit and to do so in a setting where people disagreed significantly.

Margaret is quoted in the article: "'The hardest work I did all year," she continued, "was to work on this
report and not leave the table — to love the way I wanted to be loved
as best as I was able."'

And that, is peacemaking.

Come to the 2010 Peacemaking Seminar this August and learn more.

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