Pursuing Peace Together: Working for Reconciliation in the Holy Land

Churches for Middle East Peace (CMEP) 2010 Advocacy Conference
You are invited to CMEP's 2010 Advocacy Conference to learn, increase your skills, network and advocate for peace with justice in the Holy Land. The conference will be June 13th – 15th, 2010 at the Kellogg Conference Hotel in Washington, DC.
Psalm 34:14 and 1 Peter 3:11 "Turn from evil and do good; seek peace and pursue it" inspired this year's conference theme. This Hebrew Bible and New Testament command to action is at the heart of what CMEP does to be proactive in promoting the right of people in the Holy Land to live in peace and security, free of fears of harassment, oppression, and violence   The conference will provide knowledge, skills and networking opportunities for every participant to pursue peace on Capitol Hill and at home.
More than 170 people attended last year's Advocacy Conference, which received glowing reviews from participants and presenters alike. CMEP advocates held 75 visits with their elected officials to educate Congress about the situation in the Holy Land and urge them to work for peace.  Register now to be a part of this exciting and unique conference that is not to be missed!!
Churches for Middle East Peace (CMEP) is a coalition of 23 public policy offices of national churches and agencies — Orthodox, Catholic and Protestant.  The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) is a member and Catherine Gordon from our Washington Office is Vice-Chair of the Board. 
CMEP began its work in 1984 out of the conviction that the policy perspectives and long Middle East experience of our member bodies should be more widely known in the public policy arena.  We therefore seek to maintain an on-going dialogue with Congress, the Administration and the diplomatic community, to advance such concerns, assessments, and advocacy positions.

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