Creating a climate of hospitality by listening

Re-membering Peace: Still the Believers' Calling

Conversation_8526_edited 2010 Peacemaking Seminar

Presbyterian Peacemaking Program

Ghost Ranch Conference Center

Abiquiu, NM

August 25—28 (depart August 29)

Register now for the seminar.

The seminar will begin with dinner at 5:30 p.m. on August 25. The opening worship celebration will include greetings, songs and a focus on "Creating a Climate of Hospitality by Listening." Henri Nouwen describes listening as "one of the highest forms of hospitality." Listening so we understand what others are saying is a significant form of peacemaking. Such listening is an active process where we create an open and receptive environment so the other person feels as comfortable as possible. We seek to comprehend the other person's viewpoint, not to agree or disagree. We focus on what the other person is saying rather than our response. We try to honor the concern, and experiences of the other person. When we listen in such a way, our interactions become opportunities to gain new insights and deepen relationships and we help others shape their stories so they may be more effectively communicated.

Lisherness 1 Sara Lisherness, director of the Compassion, Peace and Justice ministry will provide leadership for seminar participants to practice active listening skills.

If you are unable to attend the seminar, your gift to the Peacemaking Offering will help allow others to participate.

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