Live the Believers’ Calling – Pray

Celebrate thirty years of peacemaking

Pray for joys and concerns that relate to peacemaking in corporate
worship services. Encourage congregants to remember those joys and
concerns in their daily prayers. Ask different individuals to select the
joys and concerns each month, being sure they include local, national
and international joys and concerns.

Thirty years ago the 192nd General Assembly (1980) of the United Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A.adopted Peacemaking: The Believers’ Calling. This statement affirmed that peacemaking is central to the gospel message and to living as disciples of Jesus. It celebrated past and ongoing Presbyterian peacemaking efforts and called for a renewed emphasis on peacemaking. Since 1980, individual Presbyterians,congregations, middle governing bodies, and General Assembly programs have engaged in amazing peacemaking ministries in the name of Jesus Christ. In this 30th anniversary year the Presbyterian Peacemaking Program offers 30 suggestions for ways congregations can celebrate ministries past and present and look forward
to new adventures following Christ, who is our peace.

Tell the Presbyterian Peacemaking Program
how you are celebrating the anniversary.

Your gifts to the Peacemaking Offering help the Presbyterian Peacemaking Program support Presbyterians in ministries seeking peace and pursuing justice.

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