Shalom, Salaam, and Peace: One Hope, Two Peoples, Three Faith Traditions

Shalom, Salaam, and Peace:
One Hope, Two Peoples, Three Faith Traditions

A pre-General Assembly event
Sponsored by the General Assembly Middle East Study Committee
Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)

Friday, July 2, 2010
4:00 – 8:00 p.m.
Minneapolis Convention Center
$60 (includes dinner)


There is urgency to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. With every military and militant attack, with every settlement, with every escalation of rhetoric, and with every death the stakes increase. Not solving the conflict is not an option. Waiting is not an option. The time for action is now.

Each of our speakers shares a common hope for a just peace in Israel and Palestine. They will address the current spiritual, political, and social aspirations of the Israelis and Palestinians.


The Reverend Dr. Mitri Raheb
Pastor of Evangelical Lutheran Christmas Church, Bethlehem
Founder and President of Diyar Consortium and International Center of Bethlehem
Author of several books, including I Am a Palestinian Christian

His Excellency Avraham Burg
Former Member and Speaker of the Knesset; Israeli Cabinet Minister
Former Chairperson of Jewish Agency for Israel
Author of several books, including The Holocaust Is Over: We Must Rise from Its Ashes

Dr. Allam Jarrar
Director of Community Based Rehabilitation, Palestinian Medical Relief Society
Coordinator of the Palestinian Non-Governmental Organization Network
Consultant to the United Nations on health programs, refugee issues, and social welfare in Palestine, Egypt, the Emirates, Afghanistan

For tickets, contact GA Meeting Service (or 888-728-7228, ext. 5417).

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