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International Peacemaker Logo Host an International Peacemaker in your presbytery, synod, or educational institution.

International Peacemakers from 8 countries are scheduled to visit the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) from September 24 through October 18, 2009. These individuals from our partner churches will share about ministries in their countries that seek justice and pursue peace in the name of Jesus Christ. International Peacemakers from the Philippines, the Democratic Republic of Congo, and Sudan have participated in the program in previous years. Individuals will also come from Pakistan, Mexico, and Bolivia. In addition, an International Peacemaker will come from a republic of the former Soviet Union. Two of the International Peacemakers have ministries that focus on working with children and issues that impact children.

Download 2010 International Peacemakers Request Brochure 

International Peacemakers are leaders who are engaged in peacemaking in their own areas of the world. They are invited by the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) to visit with Presbyterians in the United States and to help us understand the peace and justice concerns of others around the world. International Peacemakers help Presbyterians broaden their view of the world, deepen their understanding of peace and justice issues in our own communities, and faithfully follow Jesus in ministries extending compassion, seeking peace, and doing justice.

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