Haiti visit

Map-haiti A small group of Presbyterians will visit Haiti beginning tomorrow. They will meet with the people of Haiti, mission co-workers, Haitian partners, and global church partners. The participants will learn, engage and see first-hand the impact of the earthquake and the ways in which the church can continue to be part of a long-term systematic rebuilding.

Among the travelers with be Moderator Bruce Reyes-Chow who hopes to keep folks engaged as much as possible in trip. He will be using his general blog which connects to some other communication platforms. Sign up to read it through email or add the RSS to your daily reader.  For more frequent, Bruce will be twittering from @breyeschow.

For more information on the trip and Haiti:

Read Bruce's first post, Haiti 2010: The Day Before

Give to the relief fund

Read updates on partners and mission personnel in Haiti

Important note on volunteering

Mission Co-Worker Mark Hare's Blog

Haiti Extra Commitment Giving Opportunities

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