Until all are fed

Presbyterian, musician,pastor and hunger action enabler, Bryan McFarland is putting together a project of music and hymns that will benefit the Presbyterian Hunger Program. Here is some information from Bryan:

Through May, musicians, pastors and other friends of the Presbyterian Hunger Program have launched a unique project of music and mission called "until all are fed."  Individuals are invited to help fund the production of a CD of hymns & spirituals. 10% of the production costs and 20% of the profits go to the Presbyterian Hunger Program. The goal of the project is to raise awareness and funds with "music on a mission" that can make a difference until all are fed.  The "…until all are fed" CD and subsequent hunger action events called "Jacob's Joins" are designed to equip congregations, presbyteries, campus ministries, and more with hymns, songs and spirituals to sing the mission of the Presbyterian Hunger Program to "alleviate hunger and eliminate the causes of it."

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