Pray for Sudan at the time of the election

Here is a prayer for the people of Sudan as the April 11 election draws near.

Gracious God,
We seek a just and lasting peace for our brothers and sisters in Sudan.  May the Sudanese people never lose hope and faith in Your peace to come.
Lord, deliver the people of Sudan from conflict, both internally arising and externally imposed and facilitated.
Deliver them from harmful outside interference while providing them selfless assistance.
Deliver these generous people from starvation which arises from weather or induced famine and from dehydration and disease which come from too little and unsafe water.
Deliver them from oppression by those of other cultures and faiths.
Deliver them from greed; we remember the African proverb that says, “There is enough on God's earth for the needs of all, but not enough to satisfy even one’s greed."
We praise you for providing for the needs of all; deliver them from greed.
Lord momentous events are coming in Sudan:  elections, referenda, post referendum issues, consultations and more. We pray, God, for wisdom, patience, transparency, and quest for fairness in the people, institutions and governments of Sudan as they approach these events. May our own government, our people and people of good will everywhere work toward better lives for the Sudanese people.
Lord, we beseech you, Amen.

—Bill Andress, Sudan Advocacy Action Forum

Learn about Presbyterians at work with the people of Sudan. The Sudan Advocacy Action Forum provides updates on the situation in Sudan and calls to action on behalf of the people of Sudan.

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