Revive! in Trenton

If you are in the Trenton area, consider taking part in Revive 2010

June 11-13,2010 at Trinity Cathedral in Trenton

From the Revive Web page:

Revive is a gathering and celebration for followers of Jesus, taking place over the course of one weekend this June. The events begin on  Friday evening and end with a celebration on Sunday afternoon. The Revive weekend will be a time for people who are tired of fighting the culture war, of letting our differences – theology, class, race, denomination – get in the way of our yearning to be a beloved community marked by unity, not uniformity. It’s a new conversation about being passionate for both Jesus and justice, and what it means to be a follower of Jesus engaged in the world with the prophets’ cry for justice.

It’s a call to conversion. Revive is a… revival. Conversation is hot air if that’s all it is. This conversation is aimed at conversion: to create new, passionate followers of Jesus, to revive the faith of those who’ve been in the trenches, and to invite the spirit to breathe new life into the church.

It’s a call to bear fruit. James had it right: "a faith that refuses to roll up its sleeves is dead." This event, this encounter, is a call to bear fruit befitting members of the Beloved Community – by inspiring and equipping folks to seek and to do justice everywhere, especially where we are.

Peacemakers in the Presbytery of New Brunswick have been heavily involved in helping plan Revive.

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