A prayer for the people of Iraq

IRAQ March 5, 2010

God of all peoples, God of all nations, we pray for the people of Iraq as they participate in elections. Stand with the people as they vote. Turn hearts away from violence. Guide them to live together in peace and doing justice. Provide patience to the people as a new government is formed. Provide wisdom as the new government governs. We give thanks for the courage of the Iraqi people and leaders. We give thanks for Iraqis who serve in the public sector and the security services of their country. We give thanks for Iraqis, Americans, and people of other countries who have served in the military and helped to increase the security of the country and make possible the election. We give thanks for Iraqis, Americans, and people of other countries who have worked in government and society to make possible the election. Bless the people on election day and all days, we pray in Jesus' name. Amen.

Please feel free to use or adapt. Please include the attribution: used with permission of the Presbyterian Peacemaking Program.

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