Sign a letter urging President Obama to work address humanitarian needs in Gaza. Churches for Middle East Peace is coordinating this effort to ask the United States to work for peace.
A recent report by international aid organizations notes that living conditions in Gaza require urgent attention. Churches for Middle East Peace summarizes the situation in this way: "Damage to buildings, homes and other critical infrastructure from the war a year ago remain unrepaired because construction materials are prohibited from entering. With no materials for maintenance there are now millions of gallons of untreated waste water being dumped into the Mediterranean Sea on a daily basis. Much of the drinking water is unhealthy. This has negative public health repercussions for Palestinians and Israelis. The complete prohibition of exports has collapsed the local economy and left high rates of unemployment."
The 218th General Assembly (2008) voted to "focus our energy on the United States government, demanding that it assume an intensive and unrelenting role as a peacemaker."
Sign the letter urging President Obama to play that role by working to end the Gaza blockade.
A letter on the subject of Gaza was recently sent to the President signed by fifty-three members of Congress. Check the list. If your member of Congress appears, send a message of thanks.