2010 Seminar Leaders Announced

Ghost-ranch-landscape The Presbyterian Peacemaking Program announces the leaders for the 2010 Peacemaking Seminar.

The seminar, Re-membering Peace: Still the Believers' Calling will be held at Ghost Ranch in Abiquiui, New Mexico on August 25-28 (depart on August 29).


•    Reginald Braga, Assistant Professor for Christian Education, Interdenominational Theological Center, GA

•    Emily McGinley, Director, Common Ground Project, McCormick Theological Seminary, IL

•    Margaret Aymer Oget, Associate Professor of New Testament, Interdenominational Theological Center, GA


•    David Gambrell, Associate for Worship, PC(USA), KY

•    Corey Nelson, Associate Pastor for Mission, First Presbyterian Church of Lake Forest, IL

•    Marissa Galván Valle, Associate for Resources and Relationships, Hispanic/Latino, PC(USA), KY


•    David Barnhart, Photojournalist, Presbyterian Disaster Assistance, PC(USA), GA

•    Nancy Esajian, Artist and member of San Francisco Presbytery’s Peacemaking Committee, CA

•    Vanessa Hawkins, Graduate Student, Graduate Theological Union, CA

•    Sara Lisherness, Director Compassion, Peace and Justice, PC(USA), KY

•    Richard Pak, Census Outreach Manager for the Asian American Institute of Chicago, IL

•    Bruce Reyes-Chow, Moderator of the 218th General Assembly (2008) and Pastor, Mission Bay Community Church, CA

•    Teresa Chávez Sauceda, Antiracism Consultant, CA

•    Judy Wellington, Associate Pastor for Urban Native American Ministry, La Mesa Presbyterian Church, NM

•    David Young, Photographer and world traveler, TN

•    Sweet Young, Quilter and knitter, TN

If you are not able to attend the seminar, your gifts to the Presbyterian Peacemaking Program will help others participate.

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