Seeking Peace

Seeking Peace is one of the enewsletters published by the Presbyterian Peacemaking Program. It comes out about every other week and contains ideas for ways that individuals can work for peace and justice.

Subscribe online or by sending us an email with your name, city, state, and email address.

Here is a sample of what Seeking Peace looks like:

Sign a petition for a nuclear free world
Sp-lilbox-weaponsSeek peace by advocating for a world free of nuclear weapons. Sign a petition to President Obama on their abolition. Last April, speaking in Prague, President Obama pledged that the United States would exercise leadership to "seek the peace and security of a world without nuclear weapons." This petition to President Obama calls him to "make good on that commitment by announcing at the 2010 Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty Review Conference [his] initiation of good faith multilateral negotiations on an international agreement to abolish nuclear weapons, within our lifetimes!" The petition will be delivered before the conference is held at the United Nations in May. The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) understands that following Jesus and working faithfully for God's intended order and life abundant requires seeking international arms control agreements and international nuclear disarmament. In 1955, the General Assembly first called for the elimination of nuclear weapons with "an adequate arrangement for international inspection and control."

Support the Jubilee Act
Sp-jubille-button Seek peace by pursuing economic justice. Ask your representative to co-sponsor the Jubilee Act. The Jubilee Act for Responsible Lending and Expanded Debt Cancellation (HR 4405) cancels the debt of impoverished countries, prohibits harmful economic and policy conditions on debt cancellation, mandates transparency and responsibility in lending from governments and international financial institutions, and calls for a U.S. audit of debts resulting from odious and illegitimate lending. The bill was introduced on December 17, 2009 with strong bi-partisan support. Send a message to your member of Congress today to urge him/her to be an early co-sponsor

Sp-lilbox-haiti Sp-lilbox-ecuadvdays Sp-lilbox-humantrafficking

Peacemaking Program Notes

Reflect on the biblical basis for peacemaking.

Learn about upcoming events.

Use the prayers on Spiritual Nurture for Peacemakers in personal devotions and corporate worship.

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Follow Swords into Plowshares, the Presbyterian Peacemaking Program blog.

Contribute to the Peacemaking Offering.

Seeking Peace is one of the enewsletters published by the Presbyterian Peacemaking Program. It comes out about every other week and contains ideas for ways that individuals can work for peace and justice.

Subscribe online or by sending us an email with your name, city, state, and email address.

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