Advent devotion – December 19, 2009

Scripture – Luke 1:1–25

Advent is a joyful time of anticipation. We await the arrival of the Christ just as prospective parents eagerly anticipate the arrival of a baby. We prepare the house; we decorate the room; we receive gifts. In doing so, we try to ensure that everything is ready for this special arrival. So too with Jesus—we anticipate his birth and the addition of God’s Son to our families.

Luke’s Gospel begins with consecutive annunciation stories. The annunciation of John the Baptist reminds us that Jesus did not enter the world in a vacuum; John has come before him to make the world ready for this good news of the Christ. But John does not only provide context. The annunciation of John preceding the annunciation of Jesus reminds us that Jesus is not the only eagerly awaited child this season. John has also come as a special gift to his parents.

In this Advent season, we must remember not only these two children born to expectant parents two millennia ago, but also those children entering the world today. The annunciation stories teach us to anticipate every child and ensure that each is born into a safe, healthy, and loving environment.

Loving God, you give us the gift of new life every day. As we celebrate the birth of your Son, help us remember the arrival of other children, the miraculous gifts of your love, and ensure that each can grow in safety, health, and love. Amen.

Leslie G. Woods
representative for domestic poverty and environmental issues
Presbyterian Washington Office
Compassion, Peace and Justice
General Assembly Mission Council, PC(USA)
Washington, DC

Order Proclaiming the Good News of God's Peace.

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