Advent devotion – December 15, 2009

Scripture – Psalm 33

Who is it the psalmist awaits? To whom is this believer singing praises? This writer praises the one, yes, the only one who is able to deliver on his promises and “redeem the people from death and keep them alive in famine” (Ps. 33:19).

Like the psalmist, we are surrounded by myriads of false gods in whom nations and individuals place their trust because they are powerful . . . the king, great armies, warriors and war horses, predator drones and sophisticated instruments of war, or a handgun in the dresser drawer. They all make their promises, don’t they? And how frequently we believe them! But in truth, not one of these idols can deliver on their promises to bring us wholeness and safety. They are all “a vain hope for victory, and even their great might cannot save” (vv. 16–17) for the God of love frustrates the people’s plans to fashion another way apart from God’s way (v. 10).

In Advent, let us watch and wait and sing to the glory of this God who comes. Let those of us who believe in the One who can be trusted to follow through on his promises testify that our hope for God’s eternal peace and wholeness is in no other than God.

Lord Jesus, you alone have the words of eternal life. Give us the wisdom and faith to continue to trust in you, because in your life, death, and resurrection, you have proven to the world that you can be trusted. Amen.

The Rev. James E. Atwood
Springfield, Virginia

Order Proclaiming the Good News of God's Peace.

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