Help keep families together this Christmas

You and Your Church Can Help Keep Families Together this Christmas: Join the Holiday Postcard Campaign!
The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) has called for comprehensive immigration reform through action of the 216th General Assembly and by signing on to faith initiatives which urge Congress to act.
The Interfaith Platform on Humane Immigration Reform [pdf], a statement issued by a large and diverse coalition of national, state and local religious organizations and faith leaders, upholds family unity as a priority of all immigration policies.
The coming holiday season, when many will spend time with their families, will be an important time to remind Members of Congress of the urgent need for immigration reform that will help put immigrant families back together and to urge them to act soon.

Join the Holiday Postcard Campaign for Immigration Reform from October through December. Participation in the Holiday Postcard Campaign will remind Members of Congress that our broken immigration system is hurting immigrant families, and needs to be reformed now.

The Presbyterian Office on Immigration Issues provides additional information and resources.

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