Q&A – The CTBT

Sp-lilbox-weapons Ask your Senators to work to ratify the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty.

The Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT) calling for a global ban on nuclear tests was rejected by the United States Senate ten years ago. Over 180 countries have signed the treaty. Nine countries, including the united States, still need to ratify the CTBT for it to enter into force. 

Since 1946, General Assemblies [PDF] of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) and its predecessors, acting out of faith in Jesus Christ the Prince of Peace, have understood that working for God’s intended order and life abundant involves seeking international disarmament and arms control measures. Assemblies have called for the creation of test ban treaty and have called the United States to ratify the treaty.

In a video presentation, Deepti Choubey addresses issues around the CTBT in Q&A format, describes the CTBT’s importance and how it impacts U.S. security. Choubey is deputy director of the Nonproliferation Program at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.

Those questions and answers in the presentation are:

•    What is the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty?

•    How will the CTBT impact the United States?

•    Will the United States ratify the treaty?

•    What are the prospects for the treaty entering into force?

•    How does the treaty relate to President Obama’s goal of a world free of nuclear weapons?

•    Does the CTBT influence U.S. national security?

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