Denomination Heads respond to evictions in East Jerusalem

Last week, Heads of Denomination from the Board of Churches for Middle East Peace (CMEP) responded to the forced eviction of Palestinian families from their homes in the Sheikh Jarrah section of East Jerusalem. A letter sent to Secretary of State Clinton [PDF] states that the forced evictions undercut U.S efforts to create an environment to restart negotiations and are therefore harmful to both Israeli and Palestinian hopes for peace.

The Obama administration has called the evictions "provocative," and "deeply regrettable." The CMEP letter thanks Secretary Clinton for her helpful statement of August 3 that eviction of families in East Jerusalem is "not in keeping with Israeli obligations." CMEP along with Heads of Denomination stand in support of Secretary Clinton's statements that all parties should refrain from activities that could undermine progress towards a peace agreement.

Visit the Presbyterian Washington Office's Legislative Action Center to find contact information for sharing your opinion with our public officials.

See actions and statements related to Israel and Palestine by the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)'s General Assemblies.

Pray for the people of Israel and Palestine.

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