Christian Peace Witness for Iraq

The Christian Peace Witness for Iraq takes place today and tomorrow. As I cannot be there, I pray.

I pray for those who witness for peace.

I pray for the people of Iraq, including those who have been displaced by war and violence over the past years. I pray for my Iraqi sisters and brothers in Christ.

I pray for those serving in the United States military in Iraq and around the world. I pray for their families and loved ones. I pray I pray for the men and women of the armed forces of other countries serving in Iraq.

I pray for those who have been killed and those who grieve for them. I pray for those who have been wounded in body, mind, or spirit. I pray for them as they recover and cope. I pray for those who care for them.

I pray for those, Iraqis and others, who resort to violence against the people of Iraq and against the military personnel in Iraq.

I pray for those who provide humanitarian assistance in Iraq on the ground and through financial gifts.

I pray that leaders will receive wisdom and courage to seek peace.

I pray that the hold of hate and cycles of vengeance will be broken.

I pray.

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