Pray for U.S. Permanent Representative to the United Nations

Un-logo Presbyterians have long supported the work of the United Nations. During World War II, the Presbyterian Church was active in the movement that worked to lay the foundation for the creation of a “United Nations” organization. In the aftermath of the war, Presbyterians helped shape the UN Charter. We have had an office at the United Nations since 1988. Ambassador Susan Rice has served as the U.S. Permanent Representative to the United Nations since January 22 of this year. Ambassador Rice has outlined four primary areas of work in which the U.S. will focus its efforts at the UN: strengthening the capacity of the UN to undertake complex peace operations effectively; addressing climate change; preventing the spread or use of nuclear weapons and working to meet the goals of the Nonproliferation Treaty; and combating poverty, disease, violence and genocide. As the PC(USA) continues to seek peace through the work and mechanisms of the UN, we commit to hold Ambassador Rice in prayer.

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