Press Conference in the Philippines

By Nancy Eng MacNeill

On February 11, our trip took a turn from listening to stories from those in the church, to being a story of the church. While we were sitting down for dinner and cultural dance, Pastor Edwin Egar was abducted. The many pastors who were our hosts for the evening flew into quick action, something they had done so many times before. Through the quick action of church leaders, Edwin was returned near his home. After a very long night, Edwin was being brought to the Shalom Center and a press conference was held in the afternoon.  Moderator Bruce Reyes-Chow and David Hudson, PC(USA) Area Coordinator for Asia, participated in the news conference as the faith community spoke out against the political climate that allows this type of situation to take place.

Pictures of that news conference follow:

Erwin Egar  

Pastor Edwin Egar


Bruce Reyes-Chow


Bishop Eliezer Pascua


David Hudson

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