Here is another prayer for Advent and Christmas. This one is by Tedd Roos of Lakewood, Ohio.
Heavenly Father, in the midst of the bustle and noise of the season, help us pause. Help us take a breath and rest for a moment. Help us hear your promise.
A child is coming. Can we hear it?
A child is coming.
Do we know the wonder in those words?
In the midst of our wilderness a child is coming,
and in his hands he can hold our hearts, if we allow it.
In his eyes we can see the wonder of your love.
For almost two thousand years we have returned to this promise, Lord,
and to the message that John the Baptist proclaimed.
Prepare the way.
Prepare to hear the angels sing.
Be not afraid.
In our world of conflict and war,
be not afraid. A child is coming.
In our world of financial turmoil,
be not afraid. A child is coming.
In our world where some live in plenty, and others don’t have enough,
be not afraid. A child is coming.
In our world where some face the uncertainty of illness,
and others face the certainty of death,
be not afraid. A child is coming.
In our world haunted by the specter of addiction and the pain of grief, where this candlelit season contains shadows as well as light,
be not afraid. A child is coming.
Heavenly Father, in this quiet moment prepare our hearts for your promise. Prepare our hearts for hope. Prepare our hearts to know your peace and joy in the presence of your son.
Be not afraid.
A child is coming.
Tedd Roos, elder, Lakewood Presbyterian Church, Lakewood, Ohio