Why Make the Effort to Get to Dinner?

550_2They came on foot, by light rail and in taxi cabs. The timing was close — the Peacemaking Program dinner and celebration of the 25th Anniversary of the Commitment to Peacemaking lasted from right after the plenary ended until right before the plenary reconvened. The event took place at Trinity Episcopal Cathedral about 8 blocks from the Convention Center.

It took some effort to be there; it took some juggling of time; but it was worth the effort. Why? Here are the Top Ten Reasons:

10. Getting wee bit of exercise.

9. Breathing air that was not filtered through the Convention Center or a hotel.

8. Experiential ecumenism – Trinity Episcopal Cathedral.

7. Viewing magnificent art. The dinner took place surrounded by banners celebrating the Commitment to Peacemaking. 50 congregations and 2 presbyteries were represented. Pictures of the  banners will be posted in the near future.

6. Congregational mission. A portion of the cost of the event went to Comfort the Children International, a ministry of Trinity Episcopal Cathedral.

5. International mission. Comfort the Children International engages in mission in Kenya.

4. Environmentalism. The specific project of Comfort the Children International that will receive funds from the dinner funds involves work with the Green Belt Movement in Kenya.

3. Engaging in peacemaking in at least 6 of the areas identified by the Commitment to Peacemaking (Prayer, Congregations, Community Ministries, Global Issues, Making Peace with the Earth, and using one’s financial resources for peacemaking).

2. Angelou’s Cafe and Grill provided the meal — a local business, run by local folks — not a chain restaurant or hotel, not a mega-corporation.

1. Fellowship with the body of Christ.

Great thanks to the youth group from Central Presbyterian Church in Atlanta. Their help was essential to the success of the evening. More about that later.

Photo by Danny Brolin and Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)

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