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Attack on Christian pilgrims in Egypt kills 35

Terrorists attacked Christians last Friday in Egypt’s western desert, near Minya, initially killing 28 and injuring 23. As of today, the death count has risen to 35. The terrorists, dressed in military fatigues, included 8-10 men who attacked a tourist bus traveling to St. Samuel the Confessor Monastery in Samalout.

Remembering 9/11: Fifteen years of healing

For the Rev. Jon Walton, September 2001 was supposed to mark the start of a new ministry. He had just become pastor of the First Presbyterian Church of the City of New York and his first sermon was September 9th. But any anxiety about his new job quickly evaporated two days later when two planes flew into the World Trade Center claiming more than 2,600 lives.

PC(USA) offers prayers for Baghdad bombing victims

The Rev. Dr. Laurie Kraus, coordinator for Presbyterian Disaster Assistance, offered prayers for those killed and injured in a massive car bombing that rocked the busy Karada market in central Baghdad yesterday. The blast occurred after sundown as young people and families filled the streets, breaking their daily fast during the holy month of Ramadan.