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Special Offerings

#GivingTuesday provides opportunity to support Presbyterian mission

After the commercialized rush that is Black Friday and Cyber Monday, #GivingTuesday offers Presbyterians and other people of faith the opportunity to bear witness to the spirit of gratitude as we move into the Season of Advent and celebrate the coming of Christ. Presbyterian Mission Agency (PMA) President and Executive Director the Rev. Dr. Diane Moffett thanks people in advance for their generous gifts to #GivingTuesday.

Congregation fights hunger in greater St. Louis

As a Hunger Action Congregation, Faith Des Peres Presbyterian Church is taking aim at food insecurity in greater St. Louis by providing food for school children and other vulnerable populations.

Minute for Mission: Christmas Joy Offering

What was the most perfect gift you ever received? A bike or doll when you were a kid? A video game, perhaps? Maybe it was the day you met your husband, your wife — or looked into the eyes of the newborn baby that someone placed in your arms. For most of us, the most perfect gift is not necessarily a thing, but something else. Something bigger, deeper, more meaningful.

Board of Pensions portfolio outperforms assumptions

With a market value of $9.6 billion, the Board of Pensions’ Balanced Investment Portfolio returned 10.3 percent during the first eight months of 2019, more than 4 percent over the long-term investment return assumption of 3, 10 and 20 years.

‘Four for Four’ churches feel connected

For nearly 15 years, a certificate has hung on a sparsely occupied bulletin board on the back wall in the sanctuary of Laguna United Presbyterian Church in Casa Blanca, New Mexico. For the only Native American congregation in Santa Fe Presbytery, this now-faded certificate represented much more than a tradition or achievement. Every time they walked by it, it was a reminder of their congregation’s commitment to participate in the life of the church — a church that spans beyond their Casa Blanca community.

Special Offerings relaunches website

Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)’s Special Offerings ministry launched a redesigned website Friday, ( giving church leaders and users a more intuitive and robust presence to interact with the Special Offerings staff and access to the many resources available to congregations wishing to participate in the Church’s four Special Offerings. The ministry built the new site as a response to feedback its staff has received from church leaders and individuals over the past several years.