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West Africa Initiative brings economic equality

Three Presbyterian organizations work together to help people in Sierra Leone, Liberia By Cynthia White, Former SDOP Coordinator Editor’s note: Cynthia White served as coordinator of SDOP prior to her retirement… Read more »

SDOP disburses more than $120,000 for self-help projects

The Presbyterian Committee on the Self-Development of People (SDOP) approved grants totaling $124,000 to fund several self-help projects in the United States and abroad. The national committee met recently to approve funding for the projects, funding which is made possible through the One Great Hour of Sharing.

8 self-help projects funded

SDOP disburses over $97,000 to Projects across the United States Presbyterian News Service By Margaret Mwale Charleston, S.C. — The Presbyterian Committee on the Self-Development of People (SDOP) has approved grants… Read more »

Friends and Family Generational Garden

By Hendrick Bossers The Friends and Family Generational Garden Project in Pittsburgh was started April 30, 2014 when Alissa, Nasim, Dante, Alg and Kathy cleared a rough 20 foot by… Read more »

SDOP is not about charity

By Cynthia E White Presbyterian Self-Development of People is not about charity… It’s about… …having a decent home, food on the table, the ability to send your children to school…. Read more »

SDOP celebrates 45 years, awards 2015 grants

The Presbyterian Committee on the SDOP celebrates 45 years of ministry and disburses $193,000 to 13 self-help projects  by Margaret Mwale and Cynthia White Pittsburgh, PA— The Presbyterian Committee on… Read more »