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rev. kerri allen

PC(USA) celebrates 50 years of Mission Responsibility Through Investment

Let’s celebrate 50 years of MRTI! Half a century ago, Mission Responsibility Through Investment (MRTI) was created in recognition of the church’s unique opportunity to advance its mission faithfully and creatively through the financial resources entrusted to it. MRTI implements the General Assembly’s policies on socially responsible investing (also called faith-based investing) by engaging corporations in which the church owns stock. This year, in recognition of its 50th anniversary, the team worked diligently to create a resource book, “Reflections on 50 Years of the Presbyterian Church as Investor,” to help document what has been done and help future committee members serve effectively.

An engaging approach

A half-hour Facebook Live broadcast highlighting Mission Responsibility Through Investment served to both look back at how socially-responsible corporate engagement efforts are helping to reduce climate change and look ahead at what’s in store during the 225th General Assembly.

Five companies recommended for General Assembly divestment list

LEXINGTON, Kentucky — The Presbyterian Committee on Mission Responsibility Through Investment (MRTI) recommended Wednesday afternoon that five energy companies be added to the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)’s  Divestment/Proscription List.